Sunday, June 12, 2011

Why you Should NOT Bike and Sip Wine!

So my birthday is coming up and one thing I have been dreaming of is taking off by bike into the rolling green hills of Oregon on a sunny day and enjoying life. Enjoying friends, the sunshine and strolling through a few wineries that bless the Willamette Valley.... sounds heavenly huh? Like something from the movies.
SO I decided to contact all the people that know wine and biking best that includes my Mom and her local OR friend Pat. One word of concern from Mums and this is the response I get back.

Hi Anna,
Wine tasting by bike is not such a good idea for several reasons:
  • I'll admit to riding my bike after consuming a few beers and it's something that I can't recommend. The Tour de Lab last year comes to mind as an example. It's amazing how unsteady you feel on a bike after even one beer! Your Mom thinks it's dangerous.
  • Most of the wineries I frequent are located along HWY 47 between Carlon and Newburg. Another bunch more are located along Hwy 99 between Newburg and Dundee. Both these roads are very dangerous to ride on with 55 MPH traffic and little to no shoulder.  Your Mom thinks it's dangerous.
  • Wineries tend to be located on big hills not the flats. The two main AVAs (American Viticultural Areas) for those areas are the Jory Hills and the Dundee Hills. Note the word "hills" here.Your Mom thinks it's dangerous.
  • So I'd recommend going for a nice flat ride during the day and sipping some excellent Oregon wines at home with something on the BBQ in the evening.  
p.s. Your Mom did not make me say any of this! Mother's always know best however.

There ya have it folks... Dreams Crushed. Thanks Mum..... But no really I made a different plan. I am going to try out the Banks-Vernonia State Trail and maybe spread out some of my favorite vineyards in between by car- Purple Cow, Willakenzie Estate, and Duck Pond.

Friday, June 10, 2011

What do YOU enjoy? Well I enjoy long strolls.....

Well I enjoy long strolls on the beach and sunsets, and through the forests....ha-ha. I just enjoy walks of any sorts. Dates don't need to be a fancy dinner or something that you always have to pull out the wallet. I actually prefer getting out of the hustle and bustle of  the city and exploring. Just hand in hand in the quiet of nature, with a spectacular view. And I did just that the other night, with this handsome gentleman.

Cooper Mountain Nature Park is just right out of the city. There are trails that take multiple twists and turns through the forest. Its not too long and the scenery is just right.