Friday, February 11, 2011

Cheap Movie Tickets and a Glass of Hard Cider

Who really wants to pay $10 bucks for a movie ticket nowadays? I had the pleasure of joining my friends at the Laurelhurst Theater for a $3 movie and pint/small popcorn for $6.25. Now that’s a steal. I mean how many theaters can you enjoy beer, wine and hard cider in? There hard to come by, and this place screams Portland. It’s more on the casual side, with films that aren’t always in the big chain theaters. These are the films that have a deeper meaning than just a redone plot or cheesy love story. Hollywood is really starting to bore me to tears. This is why I Redbox everything and I don’t have guilt about the $10  ticket.

Anyways we saw, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest. This is the last movie in a series, you should definitely watch the other two films to fully understand the plot. My friend loved it, but I was whispering to her the whole time to catch her up on certain details. And it has subtitles as it’s in Swedish. Personally, these are my favorite kind of movies and I have heard talk that the US plans to remake these films. This I am not excited about.

Another cheap movie ticket option- check out AAA discounts!

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